
Proust and World Literature: A Zoom of One’s Own, Take One
「自分だけのズーム」(A Zoom of One’s Own)と題したグローバルなオンライン・イベントを継続して行っていくことにしました。キックオフとなる初回は、プルーストをヨーロッパのみならず、アジアやアメリカから読み返すことを目的として、香港から作家・批評家のMary Shuk-Han WONGを、カリフォルニアから文学研究者・批評家のD. A. Millerを、東京から文学研究者の田尻芳樹をお招きし、プルーストについて、プルーストを読む文学者たちについてお話ししていただきます。発信者もプルーストを読むイギリスの同時代の文学者たちについて話します。
Proust and World Literature: A Zoom of One’s Own, Take One
@SF 18:00-20:00 November 13th (Friday)
@Tokyo 10:00-12:00 November 14th (Saturday)
@Hong Kong 9:00-11:00 November 14 th (Saturday)
(Please email me for the Zoom link: motsato@a7.keio.jp)
Introduction: 10:00-10:10
Talk One: 10:10-10:30
“Rereading Samuel Beckett's Proust” (Yoshiki Tajiri, University of Tokyo)
Yoshiki Tajiri is professor of English at the University of Tokyo, Japan. He has written extensively on Samuel Beckett, J. M. Coetzee and twentieth-century English literature. He is the author of Samuel Beckett and the Prosthetic Body: The Organs and Senses in Modernism (Palgrave Macmillan, 2007) and co-editor of Samuel Beckett and Pain (Rodopi, 2012) and Samuel Beckett and Trauma (Manchester University Press, 2018). He has also coedited Japanese books on Yukio Mishima and Kazuo Ishiguro.
Talk Two: 10:30-10:50
“English Proust” (Motonori Sato, Keio University)
Motonori Sato is professor of English at Keio University. He writes widely on literature and cinema. He is the author of an award-winning book: Graham Greene, a Cinematic Life (2018). He is now writing a book on Virginia Woolf and World Literature.
Talk Three: 10:50-11:10
“Marcel Proust through Liu Yichang in 1960s Hong Kong”(Mary Shuk-Han Wong, Lingnan University)
Dr. Mary Shuk-Han WONG, writer and comparative literature scholar in Hong Kong. She teaches in Chinese department of Lingnan University. Published widely on Hong Kong culture, literature and film. Her major scholarly works are Feminine Writing: Cinema, Literature and Everyday Live and Hong Kong Cinema: Writer, literature and cinema. Major edited works are Hong Kong Literature and Culture of 1950s series and Hong Kong: the 1960s. Major creative works include essays Against the Grain, From Kafka and short story collection Surviving Central. She is the co-producer and literary advisor of the documentaries 1918: Liu Yichang and Boundary: Leung Ping Kwan.
Talk Four: 11:10-11:30
“The Poor Man’s Proust”(D. A. Miller, University of California, Berkeley)
D. A. Miller, for many years the John F. Hotchkis Professor at the University of California, Berkeley, has also recently been visiting professor at the University of Tokyo. His books include Hidden Hitchcock (2016) and Jane Austen, or the Secret of Style (2003).
Q & A: 11:30-12:00
@SF 18:00-20:00 November 13th (Friday)
@Tokyo 10:00-12:00 November 14th (Saturday)
@Hong Kong 9:00-11:00 November 14 th (Saturday)
(Please email me for the Zoom link: motsato@a7.keio.jp)
Introduction: 10:00-10:10
Talk One: 10:10-10:30
“Rereading Samuel Beckett's Proust” (Yoshiki Tajiri, University of Tokyo)
Yoshiki Tajiri is professor of English at the University of Tokyo, Japan. He has written extensively on Samuel Beckett, J. M. Coetzee and twentieth-century English literature. He is the author of Samuel Beckett and the Prosthetic Body: The Organs and Senses in Modernism (Palgrave Macmillan, 2007) and co-editor of Samuel Beckett and Pain (Rodopi, 2012) and Samuel Beckett and Trauma (Manchester University Press, 2018). He has also coedited Japanese books on Yukio Mishima and Kazuo Ishiguro.
Talk Two: 10:30-10:50
“English Proust” (Motonori Sato, Keio University)
Motonori Sato is professor of English at Keio University. He writes widely on literature and cinema. He is the author of an award-winning book: Graham Greene, a Cinematic Life (2018). He is now writing a book on Virginia Woolf and World Literature.
Talk Three: 10:50-11:10
“Marcel Proust through Liu Yichang in 1960s Hong Kong”(Mary Shuk-Han Wong, Lingnan University)
Dr. Mary Shuk-Han WONG, writer and comparative literature scholar in Hong Kong. She teaches in Chinese department of Lingnan University. Published widely on Hong Kong culture, literature and film. Her major scholarly works are Feminine Writing: Cinema, Literature and Everyday Live and Hong Kong Cinema: Writer, literature and cinema. Major edited works are Hong Kong Literature and Culture of 1950s series and Hong Kong: the 1960s. Major creative works include essays Against the Grain, From Kafka and short story collection Surviving Central. She is the co-producer and literary advisor of the documentaries 1918: Liu Yichang and Boundary: Leung Ping Kwan.
Talk Four: 11:10-11:30
“The Poor Man’s Proust”(D. A. Miller, University of California, Berkeley)
D. A. Miller, for many years the John F. Hotchkis Professor at the University of California, Berkeley, has also recently been visiting professor at the University of Tokyo. His books include Hidden Hitchcock (2016) and Jane Austen, or the Secret of Style (2003).
Q & A: 11:30-12:00
科学研究費 基盤研究(C) (一般)「英語圏のレイト・モダニズムの理論と実践をめぐる総合的研究」(課題番号:20K00451 )
科学研究費 基盤研究(C) (一般)「英語圏のレイト・モダニズムの理論と実践をめぐる総合的研究」(課題番号:20K00451 )