
国際シンポジウム Japanese Cinema: What Is It?
2025年1月13日にオンラインで国際シンポジウム Japanese Cinema: What Is It? を開催いたします。日米の映画研究者、メディア研究者、表象文化研究者、英米文学研究者が一堂に介して、「日本映画」とは何か? という根源的な問いについて、学際的かつグローバルな観点から議論していきます。基調講演には、英文学者・映画批評家のD. A. ミラーさん、日本映画・文化研究者のリンジー・ネルソンさんをお迎えします。どうぞ奮ってご参加ください。佐藤までメールをいただければ、折り返しZoomのリンクをお知らせいたします。motsato@keio.jp
Japanese Cinema: What Is It?
13 January 2025 | 10:00 - 17:00 | Online
10:00 – 11:00
Welcome: Motonori Sato
Keynote One: D. A. Miller (University of California, Berkeley)
Wim Wenders’Perfect Days: Japanese Film as Genre
11:00 – 13:00
Panel One
Fareed Ben-Youssef (Texas Tech University)
When Savagery and Civilization Meet at a Ramen Shop: Sensing a Transnational Japan through Junzo Itami’s Transnational Western Tampopo
Ryo Takabe (University of Tokyo)
The “Broken Dreams” of Kiju Yoshida: On the Unfilmed scenarios Lumière des roses and A Pale View of Hills
Kohki Watabe (University of Tsukuba, Malaysia campus)
Kyaramnesia: Rethinking Suture for the Ontology of Anime and Manga Characters
Christophe Thouny (Ritsumeikan University)
Autistic Beings: Camering When Evil Does Not Exist
14:00 – 15:00
Keynote Two: Lindsay Nelson (Meiji University)
The Edge of Cinema: Japanese Horror in a Changing Media Landscape
15:00 – 17:00
Panel Two
Ryohei Tomizuka (Kanagawa University)
The Japanese Melodrama of a Geisha Woman: Tamizo Ishida’s Old Songs (1939)
Mary A. Knighton (Aoyama Gakuin University)
Insect Women in Postwar Japanese Film
Kosuke Fujiki (Okayama University of Science)
A Postcolonial Romance with the Past: Taiwan and Japan’s Mutual Nostalgia in 18×2 Beyond Youthful Days
Motonori Sato (Keio University)
Multiple Temporalities: A Comparative Reading of A City of Sadness and Drive My Car
Organized by A Research on Contemporary Japanese Cinema in the Age of Globalization
(Keio University Academic Development Funds for Individual Research: H03JA24094)
With the Assistance of Keio Research Center for the Liberal Arts
Booking essential: Please email Motonori Sato (motsato@keio.jp) for a zoom link
D. A. Miller (University of California, Berkeley)
Fareed Ben-Youssef (Texas Tech University)
Ryo Takabe (University of Tokyo)
Kohki Watabe (University of Tsukuba, Malaysia campus)
Christophe Thouny (Ritsumeikan University)
Lindsay Nelson (Meiji University)
Ryohei Tomizuka (Kanagawa University)
Mary A. Knighton (Aoyama Gakuin University)
Kosuke Fujiki (Okayama University of Science)